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Colour B4 review and how to get rid of the smell?- There's a better, cheaper product!

Colour B4 review and how to get rid of the smell?

So i made the school girl error of dying my hair a semi permanent dark brown color last November. I loved it at the time but then began to miss my natural blonde/brown hair. My mum was watching TV and saw a Colour B4 advert and recommended it to me.

I decided to give it a try, i followed all the steps on the packaging and used the buffer provided. My hair color didn't change dramatically at all, i was the only person who could tell the difference. But what change drastically was the smell of my hair, Colour B4 stinks of, Veet hair removal cream and doesn't just disappear when you wash it.

So now i just had really smelly hair, that actually made me gag it was that bad. I dyed my hair on a Saturday and had to get rid of the smell before going to school on Monday. I tried everything, first i covered my head in vinegar and the smell didn't ease at all. Then i tried washing powder and initially i thought it had done the job, until i went and washed my hair with washing up liquid (to try and get rid of the smell) but that didn't even work. Finally late on Sunday night my mum advised baking soda and lemon, i left it for an hour and IT WORKED!

I must have washed my hair at least 30 times last weekend to try and get rid of the smell. Colour B4 isn't worth the smelly hair or sore scalp you get from washing your hair multiple times, afterwards. I think if you have really dark hair dye in your hair you should use the product multiple times to strip the dye. I would have done that but honestly i couldn't deal with the bother or the smell!

So I found a product that actually strips the hair colour and only costs £4! This JoBazz hair colour remover does exactly what colour B4 claims to do- I picked mine up from my local B&M and haven't seen them anywhere else.


  1. How much lemon and baking soda?? My hair has had this nasty smell for over 3 weeks and it's just ruining my life!!!! Colour B4 did not work in my hair.

    1. I'm so sorry i couldn't get back into my account, I'm sure you've sorted the issue now but just add enough so that you can use it all over your head and that its like a paste xx

  2. mine stinks 3 weeks after no matter what i do

  3. you saved my life the baking soda and lemon juice works thank you so so much . it doesn't really mix well but I just ended up shoving it on quickly before it went chalk like but it's settled the smell going to do it again today because I still have a linger but no way as bad as it was.

  4. Vosene! Vosene! Worked for me I've used colourless 3 times..Washed hair twice with Vosene could hardly smell that nasty stink


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